Jan is in Sweden and the audio quality is not great. Meanwhile, Nick is busy and he needs a dose of project management expertise. We discuss how we manage our time and our projects and how we engage in collaborations. After Recker’s rules for humble-bragging failed to get much traction, we now give you the Berente rules for starting collaborations.
Episode Reading List
- Allen, D. (2015). Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity Penguin Books.
- Weick, K. E. (1989). Theory Construction as Disciplined Imagination. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 516-531.
- Berente, N., Seidel, S., & Safadi, H. (2019). Data-Driven Computationally-Intensive Theory Development. Information Systems Research, 30(1), 50-64.
- Lee, J., & Berente, N. (2012). Digital Innovation and the Division of Innovative Labor: Digital Controls in the Automotive Industry. Organization Science, 23(5), 1428-1447.
- Garud, R., Hardy, C., & Maguire, S. (2007). Institutional Entrepreneurship as Embedded Agency: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Organization Studies, 28(7), 957-969.
- Garud, R., & Karnoe, P. (Eds.). (2012). Path Dependence And Creation. Psychology Press.
- Gregor, S., Chandra Kruse, L., & Seidel, S. (2020). The Anatomy of a Design Principle. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(6), 1622-1652.
- Wurm, B., Grisold, T., Kremser, W., Mendling, J. (2021). 1st International Workshop on Business Process Management and Routine Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 436. Springer.