- Recipient of the 2024 SIGGTM Best Paper Award for the paper “IRepair or I Repair? A Dialectical Process Analysis of Control Enactment in The Iphone Repair Aftermarket.“
- Recipient of the 2024 JSIS Honourable Mention Award for the paper “Configuring alliance portfolios for digital innovation.“
- Recipient of the 2023 Doctoral Student College Faculty Service Award by the Association for Information Systems.
- Recipient of the 2021 Best Published Paper Award (Runner-Up) by the Communications, Digital Technology, and Organization Division of the Academy of Management for the paper “Managing Artificial Intelligence“.
- Recipient of the 2021 SIGGreen Best Paper Award for the paper “Mobilizing IS Scholarship for a Circular Economy: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research”.
- Recipient of Outstanding Associate Editor Award by MIS Quarterly in 2019.
- Recipient of an AIS Fellow Award in 2018.
- Recipient of a 2014 Best Paper Award by the Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application for the paper “Suggestions for the Next Wave of BPM Research: Strengthening the Theoretical Core and Exploring the Protective Belt”.
- Recipient of a 2014 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence, for exceptional sustained contributions to the university in Innovative and Creative Practices.
- Recipient of a 2014 Highly Commended Paper Award by the Business Process Process Management Journal for the paper “Which cultural values matter to business process management? Results from a global Delphi study”.
- Recipient of a 2013 Vice Chancellor’s Performance Team Award, for outstanding contributions to the university in Productive and Sustainable Partnerships (together with T. Kohlborn).
- Recipient of a 2013 Outstanding HDR Supervision Practice Award.
- Appointed as Guest Professor at the International School of Software, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
- Nominated for a 2012 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence, for exceptional sustained performance and outstanding achievement in Leadership and Research.
- Nominated for a 2011 Outstanding HDR Supervision Practice Award.
- Recipient of a 2010 Vice Chancellor’s Performance Team Award, for outstanding contributions to the university in consulting and service engagement (together with M. La Rosa, W. Bandara, T. Kohlborn).
- Recipient of a 2009 Vice Chancellor’s Performance Award, for outstanding contributions to the university in research.
- Nominated for a 2009 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence, for exceptional sustained performance and outstanding achievement in Learning and Teaching, Partnerships and Engagement, Client Focus and Leadership (together with M. Rosemann).
- Recipient of a 2009 LEX Performance Improvement Award for the Most Improved Unit by Student Evaluation.
- Recipient of the QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award 2008.
- Recipient of the 2008 LEX Performance Teaching Award for Best Teaching by Student Evaluation.
- Runner-Up to the ICIS 2008 ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award.
- Recipient of the ACPHIS Information Systems Doctoral Thesis Award 2008.
- Recipient of a QUT Write Up Scholarship 2008.
- Participant at the 2007 AMCIS Doctoral Consortium in Keystone, Colorado.
- Participant at the 2006 ICIS Doctoral Consortium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Recipient of a Grant-In Aid travel award for overseas field studies in the United States.
- Recipient of an ARC Discovery Scholarship.
- Recipient of a Business Process Management Group PhD Scholarship.
- Recipient of a QUT Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarship.
- Recipient of a Research Capacity Building Award.
- Recipient of the BearingPoint-Award 2005 for the best European graduate thesis in the field of conceptual modelling.
- Recipient of the Mercer-AlumniUM-Master-Award 2004 for one of three best Master graduations of the academic year in the Faculty of Business at the University of Muenster, Germany (out of 567 graduants).
The Home Page of Professor Jan Recker