IS as a field has the same problem that IT departments have in organizations – we think those other people should come to us with their questions about digitalization and benefit from our decades of wisdom! But we argue that this is not going to happen. It is our job (as it is the IT manager’s job) to make the case for how we can help. OK, so that’s a portion of what we talk about today. We actually meander a bit. We jump across a whole lot of topics, from IS’ status as a reference discipline, the quarrels of IT departments with other business divisions, what our favorite conferences are, how to engage with conversations occurring in other fields, and what is so special about Taylor Swift. So it’s all over the place. But the good news is we laugh a lot and future episodes will be more focused again, we promise.
Episode Reading List
- Keen, P. G. W. (1980). MIS Research: Reference Disciplines and a Cumulative Tradition. 1st International Conference on Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Baskerville, R., & Myers, M. D. (2002). Information Systems as a Reference Discipline. MIS Quarterly, 26(1), 1-14.
- Wade, M. R., Biehl, M., & Kim, H. M. (2006). Information Systems is Not a Reference Discipline (And What We Can Do About It). Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7(5), 247-268.
- Grover, V., Ayyagari, R., Gokhale, R., Lim, J., & Coffey, J. (2006). A Citation Analysis of the Evolution and State of Information Systems within a Constellation of Reference Disciplines. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7(5), 270-325.
- Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior. Prentice Hall.
- von Briel, F., Davidsson, P., & Recker, J. (2018). Digital Technologies as External Enablers of New Venture Creation in the IT Hardware Sector. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(1), 47-69.
- Davidsson, P., Recker, J., & von Briel, F. (2020). External Enablement of New Venture Creation: A Framework. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(3), 311-332.
- Barley, S. R., & Orlikowski, W. J. (2023). Technologies Change, the Charge Remains the Same. Administrative Science Quarterly & MIS Quarterly Research Curation.
- Orlikowski, W. J., & Barley, S. R. (2001). Technology and Institutions: What Can Research on Information Technology and Research on Organizations Learn from Each Other? MIS Quarterly, 25(2), 145-165.
- Kremser, W., & Blagoev, B. (2021). The Dynamics of Prioritizing: How Actors Temporally Pattern Complex Role–Routine Ecologies. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(2), 339-379.
- Aldrich, H. E. (1979). Organizations and Environments. Standford University Press.
- Gregory, R. W., Henfridsson, O., Kaganer, E., & Kyriakou, H. (2021). The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Network Effects for Creating User Value. Academy of Management Review, 46(3), 534-551.
- Nambisan, S. (2017). Digital Entrepreneurship: Toward a Digital Technology Perspective of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41(6), 1029-1055.
- Nambisan, S. (2003). Information Systems as a Reference Discipline for New Product Development. MIS Quarterly, 27(1), 1-18.
- Yoo, Y. (2013). The Tables Have Turned: How Can The Information Systems Field Contribute To Technology And Innovation Management Research? Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(5), 227-236.
- Tiwana, A. (2008). Do Bridging Ties Complement Strong Ties? An Empirical Examination of Alliance Ambidexterity. Strategic Management Journal, 29(3), 251-272.
- Svahn, F., Mathiassen, L., & Lindgren, R. (2017). Embracing Digital Innovation in Incumbent Firms: How Volvo Cars Managed Competing Concerns. MIS Quarterly, 41(1), 239-253.
- Svahn, F., Mathiassen, L., Lindgren, R., & Kane, G. C. (2017). Mastering the Digital Innovation Challenge. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(3), 14-16.
- Seidel, S., Berente, N., Debortoli, S., & Srinivasan, N. (2016). Tweeting Like Taylor Swift? Affordances, Status Production, and Online Platforms. 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kuaui, Hawaii.