Managing Artificial Intelligence (1 September 2021)


The new issue of the MIS Quarterly is out and it features a special issue on Managing AI that Nick and Jan have been co-producing with Bin Gu and Radhika Santhanam. Time to discuss what we have done, how it all went, and what we learned.

Over the next fortnight, we will also release new episodes every two days, each one featuring a conversation with the author teams featuring in the special issue. Be prepared to learn everything possible about what AI is and what managing AI means.

Episode Reading List

  • Berente, N., Gu, B., Recker, J., & Santhanam, R. (2021). Managing Artificial Intelligence. MIS Quarterly, 45(3), 1433-1450.
  • Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall.
  • Borchard, R., Zeiss, R., Recker, J. (2021): Digitalization of Waste Management: Insights from German Private and Public Waste Management Firms. Waste Management & Research, doi:10.1177/0734242X211029173.
  • Carroll, S. (2019). Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime. Dutton.
  • Martin, K. (2019). Ethical Implications and Accountability of Algorithms. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(4), 835-850.
  • Salge, C. A. D. L., & Berente, N. (2017). Is That Social Bot Behaving Unethically? Communications of the ACM, 60(9), 29-31.
  • Jenkins, J., Berente, N., & Angst, C. M. (January 4-7, 2022). The Quantum Computing Business Ecosystem and Firm Strategies 55th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.

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