
Did you know you have to search engine-optimize your papers? Makes sense now that you know it, doesn’t it. We wish we would have known years ago. We sift through some of the most recent papers on how to write good papers and contrast them with our own experiences. Turns out we all wish we could change the title of our papers in hindsight.

Episode Reading List

  • Gal, U., Berente, N., & Chasin, F. (2022). Technology Lifecycles and Digital Innovation: Patterns of Discourse Across Levels of Abstraction: A Study of Wikipedia Articles. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(5), 1102-1149.
  • Kane, G. C. (2022). How to Write an “A” Paper. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(5), 1071-1079.
  • Baskerville, R., Myers, M. D., & Yoo, Y. (2020). Digital First: The Ontological Reversal and New Challenges for IS Research. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 509-523.
  • Kahneman, D. (2012). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Penguin.
  • Weick, K. E. (2004). Designing for Throwness. In R. J. Boland & F. Collopy (Eds.), Managing as Designing (pp. 74-78). Stanford University Press.
  • Bogert, E., Schecter, A., & Watson, R. T. (2021). Humans Rely More on Algorithms than Social Influence as a Task Becomes More Difficult. Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 8028.
  • Zelt, S., Recker, J., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure and Manage Organizational Process Variety. PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0206198.
  • Berente, N., Hansen, S., Pike, J. C., & Bateman, P. J. (2011). Arguing the Value of Virtual Worlds: Patterns of Discursive Sensemaking of an Innovative Technology. MIS Quarterly, 35(3), 685-709.
  • Lee, J., & Berente, N. (2012). Digital Innovation and the Division of Innovative Labor: Digital Controls in the Automotive Industry. Organization Science, 23(5), 1428-1447.
  • Berente, N., & Yoo, Y. (2012). Institutional Contradictions and Loose Coupling: Postimplementation of NASA’s Enterprise Information System. Information Systems Research, 23(2), 376-396.
  • Burton-Jones, A., Recker, J., Indulska, M., Green, P., & Weber, R. (2017). Assessing Representation Theory with a Framework for Pursuing Success and Failure. MIS Quarterly, 41(4), 1307-1333.
  • Pentland, B. T., Recker, J., & Wyner, G. (2017). Rediscovering Handoffs. Academy of Management Discoveries, 3(3), 284-301.
  • zur Muehlen, M., & Recker, J. (2008). How Much Language is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation. In M. Léonard & Z. Bellahsène (Eds.), Advanced Information Systems Engineering – CAiSE 2008 (pp. 465-479). Springer.
  • Mendling, J., Weber, I., Van der Aalst, W. M. P., vom Brocke, J., et al. (2018). Blockchains for Business Process Management – Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 9(1), Article 4.
  • Seidel, S., Recker, J., & vom Brocke, J. (2013). Sensemaking and Sustainable Practicing: Functional Affordances of Information Systems in Green Transformations. MIS Quarterly, 37(4), 1275-1299.
  • Baird, A. (2021). On Writing Research Articles Well: A Guide for Writing IS Papers. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(5), 1197-1211.
  • Grant, A. M., & Pollock, T. G. (2011). Publishing in AMJ—Part 3: Setting the Hook. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5), 873-879.
  • Chatterjee, S., & Davison, R. M. (2021). The Need for Compelling Problematisation in Research: The Prevalence of the Gap‐spotting Approach and its Limitations. Information Systems Journal, 31(2), 227-230.
  • Boland, R. J. (2001). The Tyranny of Space in Organizational Analysis. Information and Organization, 11(1), 3-23. Yin, R. K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (4th ed., Vol. 5). Sage Publications.
  • Berene, N. The nine sentence introduction (Slideck).

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